About Precision Centre

The word “precision” captures the core philosophy of the community, that all dimensions of life must be built in alignment to the Word of the Lord. God has a design for every individual and we partner with Him to provide the necessary support systems and structures for every phase of development. In Precision Centre, a safe and well-balanced environment is created for everyone to grow and mature and construct their lives exactly according to the divine pattern (Ex. 25:9, 40). We celebrate the values of covenant relationship and shared life, with each part doing its share in love for the development and benefit of all.
Precision Centre was birthed as Faith & Power Ministries on November 11, 1990. God has taken us on an incredible journey of discovery and development in Him since then. Our covenant relationship with Dr. Noel Woodroffe, Senior Elder of Elijah Centre and President of Congress WBN, began in 1992 and brought us into the Apostolic Reformation Move of God which is sweeping across the earth, bringing maturity and strength to the Body of Christ. In 2001, the community was renamed Precision Centre in keeping with the clearly evolved identity which the Lord had placed upon us. Our journey continues as an ever increasing, upward trajectory of growth and transformation into the full image and character of Christ.
Precision Centre is called by God to:
Craft a 21st Century people embodying the high standards and values of the Kingdom of God.
Facilitate the reformation thrust of Congress WBN throughout the region and beyond.
Honor and exalt our Lord Jesus Christ through powerful worship, and lifestyle activity
Primary Objectives
To produce a present-truth kingdom community that is totally committed to effectively expressing the internal realities of the Kingdom of God in a real world.
To provide a centre for impartation, training, activation and development which will enhance the maturing process of the Body of Christ.
To develop a worship culture that reverberates with the powerful apostolic reformation frequency of Congress WBN and allows for seamless interaction between the hearts of the saints and their Creator.
To facilitate the emergence of a people with the required maturity, capacity and faith to complete the purposes of the Lord.